gkScript is a chai module that offers different features:
gkScript main object
All gkScript module features are available through a global gkScript object:
Copy class gkScript
string executionType (); // returns "exe", "service" or "docker"
// Helper functions
time_t time ();
time_t utcOffset ();
string timeString ( time_t val , bool convertToLocalTime = true );
int tick (); // tick-count in milliseconds
string expandString ( string );
string getKnownFolder ( string );
sleep ( milliseconds );
string getCommandLine ();
vector < string > getArgList ();
string getNetworkId ( bool appendGateway);
int getConnectionCost ( string host);
string getUserSID ();
string getUserUPN ();
string getMailAddress ();
bool waitForNetwork ( milliseconds );
map < string , string > getUrlParameter ( string url);
string urlEncode ( string );
string pathEncode ( string ); // same as urlEncode, but does not encode '/'
string hexEncode ( string );
string base64Encode ( string );
string base64Decode ( string );
string toLower ( string );
string utf16ToUtf8 ( string );
string utf8ToUtf16 ( string );
string jScriptStringEncode ( string );
bool matchWildCard ( string pattern , string test);
int getCodePage ();
string randomFill ( size );
bool cryptProtect ( string in , bool toLocalMachine , string & out);
bool cryptUnprotect ( string in , string & out);
bool exportCertStore ( string path , string password);
// Settings store
bool setString ( Key , Value );
string getString ( Key );
bool setInt ( Key , Value );
integer getInt ( Key );
// Logging functions
LogLevel getLogLevel ();
setLogLevel ( level );
logError ( string );
logInfo ( string );
logDebug ( string );
bool exportLog ( string );
setPowermode ( bool on); // on: prevent idle power off
// WMI
map < string Name , Value > wmiQuery ( string Path , string Query);
// Processes and Threads
bool shellExecute ( hwnd , string verb , string path);
int executeProcess ( string commandLine , string stdin , string & stdout , string & stderr , unsigned int timeout);
handle runProcess ( string commandLine);
handle openProcess ( int processId);
bool wait ( handle , milliseconds ); // can wait for processes, threads, events
bool terminateProcess ( handle , int exitCode);
wmQuitProcess ( int processId); // send WM_QUIT to all windows of that process
int getExitCode ( handle );
handle runThread ( string chaiCommand);
bool terminateThread ( handle , int exitCode);
// Events
handle createEvent ();
setEvent ( handle );
resetEvent ( handle );
// script tool
ScriptTool ScriptTool ( bool with_gkScript);
Helper functions
Most helpers are easy to understand. See below for some samples:
urlEncode - getUrlParameter
Copy eval > var url = "https://localhost/response?company=" + gkScript.urlEncode ( "Glück & Kanja" ) + "&message=" + gkScript.urlEncode ( "Schöne Grüße" );
https://localhost/response?company =Gl%81ck+%26+Kanja & message = Sch%94ne+Gr%81%E1e
eval > var param=gkScript.getUrlParameter ( "https://localhost/response?company=Gl%81ck+%26+Kanja&message=Sch%94ne+Gr%81%E1e" );
[ < company, Glück & Kanja > , < message, Schöne Grüße > ]
eval > for (p : param ) { print ( p.first + ": " + p.second );}
company: Glück & Kanja
message: Schöne Grüße
bool gkScript::matchWildCard(string pattern, string test)
Tests for a case insensitive match of test against pattern.
Pattern may contain wild cards '*' and '?'
Network helper functions
Wait until an internet connection is established and returns true .
If a timeout occurs, the function returns false
Returns the hex encoded Id of the network (the MAC-Address of the Gateway)
Append the IP address of the Gateway
Copy eval > gkScript.getNetworkId ()
eval > gkScript.getNetworkId ( true )
Returns the cost flags for a connection to the specified host. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/hh437608(v=vs.85).aspx for a definition of WCM_CONNECTION_COST flags
Logging amount is controlled by LogLevel values:
Copy enum LogLevel
ll_ERROR , // Log errors
ll_INFO , // Log error + info
ll_DEBUG , // Log error + info + debug
ll_OFF , // Log nothing
Logging functions are part of the gkScript class:
var logLevel = gkScript . getLogLevel () // gets current LogLevel
gkScript . setLogLevel (ll_ERROR) // sets the LogLevel to Error
gkScript . logError (string) // Log an error message
gkScript . logInfo (string) // Log an info
gkScript . logDebug (string) // Log a debug string
bool gkScript . exportLog (string path) // Export the log to a file
Tray Icon
gkScript offers the following functions to control the tray icon (client.exe only) :
Copy class callbackObject
void onTrayClick ();
bool showTrayIcon ( callbackObject );
hideTrayIcon ();
gkScript::wmiQuery(Path, Query)
Executes WMI queries.
is the object path of the WMI namespace to query, e.g. ROOT\CIMV2
is the WQL query to execute.
The following code is a WMI query sample:
Copy def printResults ( wmi ) {
var count = 0 ;
for (i : wmi) {
print ( " Item " + to_string (count));
++ count;
for (j : i) {
if ( j . first[ 0 ] == '_' ) { continue ;}
if ( is_var_undef ( j . second)) { print ( " " + j . first + ": undefined" );}
else { print ( " " + j . first + ": " + to_string ( j . second));}
print ( "Win32_DiskDrive" );
var r = gkScript . wmiQuery ( "ROOT\\CIMV2" , "SELECT Manufacturer, Model, Size FROM Win32_DiskDrive where Size>0" );
printResults (r);
Script Tool
The scriptTool class is a sandbox for ChaiScripts. You can call scripts without messing up your own environment...
gkScript object inside the sandbox
Creates a sandbox without gkScript object
} ScriptTool instances do not have an exit()
command {}
Copy class ScriptTool
bool addScript ( string script);
object callFunction ( string func);
void reset (); // delete all defined variables and functions
The following code is a ScriptTool sample:
Copy eval > var script=gkScript.ScriptTool ( true );
eval > script.callFunction ( "gkScript.getVersion()" );
eval > script.addScript ( "def testFunction(val) {return \"testFunction - \" + val;}" );
eval > script.callFunction ( "testFunction(\"hello world\")" );
testFunction - hello world
eval > script.reset ();
eval > script.callFunction ( "testFunction(\"hello world\")" );
[2017-12-01 18:26:11.946] [1668] [error] [Default] ScriptTool::callFunction: Eval exception thrown: Error: "Can not find object: test" during evaluation at (__EVAL__ 1, 1 )
eval >