
With Inventory, RealMigrator collects machine data through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Depending on settings and configurations, RealMigrator collects data about disk drives, processors, drivers, monitors, printers, software settings and more. This data will migrate to Windows 10 to configure a computer with the previous settings from Windows 7.

Inventory Settings

WMI Queries

Some WMI Queries are preset as standard. As it was mentioned before, RealMigrator has the ability to read system and computer settings.

Query Order

Use the up and down buttons to change the order of the queries

Create and Delete queries

At the bottom of the page there are buttons to create new queries or delete existing ones

  • To add further queries, click the button Query

  • To delete the last created query, click the button Last Query

  • To delete all of them, click the button All


RealMigrator offers a default script for Inventory. But it is possible to edit the existing script or to write a new script.

Reset Button

If you click the Reset button in the Config tab or in the Script tab, all your entries will be reset to the RealMigrator default values.

To accept the default values, you have to click Save at the top of the page.

Last updated