
The File Module contains options to configure the searches of files which have to migrate. RealMigrator searches these files and copies them to a defined destination.

Upload Store

Upload stores always support basic file operations (upload file, create directory). They can support delete operations on files and directories to support proper synchronization. In addition, they can support blockmode uploads, which enable differential uploads based on hash maps.


A catalog defines which files RealMigrator has to migrate and where to find them.

Catalog Order

Use the up and down buttons to change the order of catalogs

Create and Delete catalogs

At the bottom of the page, there are buttons to create new catalogs or delete existing ones

  • To add further catalogs click the button Catalog

  • To delete the last created catalog click the button Last Catalog

  • To delete all of them, click the button All

Log level and Reset code


RealMigrator offers a default script for File. But it is possible to edit the existing script or to write a new script.

Reset Button

If you click the Reset button in the Config tab or in the Script tab, all your entries will be reset to the RealMigrator default values.

To accept the default values, you have to click Save at the top of the page.

Last updated